During the research and development claim process, EY is required to regularly interact with their clients for the purpose of information acquisition. This was previously managed using emails, which was inefficient due to the various parties involved, their required level of interaction, and the approval process within the organisation before research and development claims are sent through to the respective government body (AusIndustry).
EY worked with Station Five to develop a dashboard for their clients to interact with their staff to manage the research and development claim process. We developed a platform called Ready, which was a web application catering for the transfer of information between staff and clients. Complex rule matrices were used to orchestrate the movement of information to ensure only relevant parties were informed of updates to the claim process. Furthermore, the rules matrices determined the seniority of the staff member required to approve each stage of the claim.
Station Five developed the first release of the EY Ready solution, and managed the publishing process of this across Australia. We worked with EY to develop features for 12 months following initial development, before this was handed over to their US based team for global distribution.